OK, looking through all the rumors that are out there, I think I have a rough draft for my Guard list using the new codex.
When building this force I was limited / guided by two things.
1) The number of Mordian Guard that I own, both basic troopers and special / Hvy Weapons.
2) The 95th Rifles theme. I want them to be the most accurate Guard army possible.

So Here goes...
HQ: Company Command Squad with Creed(Sharpe), Kell(Harper), HB team, Vox, Chimera, Astropath
HQ: Company Command Squad with Standard, HB team, Vox
Elite: Ogryns(5), in Chimera, given Infiltrate from Creed(Sharpe)
Elite: Stormtroopers(10), in Chimera, Two Plasmaguns, Power Weapon, Infiltrate
Troops: Veteran Squad, LasCannon, Melta, Vox
Troops: Veteran Squad, LasCannon, GL, GL, Vox, Demopack and Meltabombs
Troops: Veteran Squad, LasCannon, GL, GL, Vox, Demopack and Meltabombs
Troops: Veteran Squad, HB, Flamer, Flamer, Vox, Demopack and Meltabombs
Heavy: LRBT, Lascannon, HB Sponsons
Heavy: LRBT, Lascannon, HB Sponsons
Heavy: LRBT, Lascannon, HB Sponsons
This is a start...I know I have a bunch of units many are not thrilled with (Orgyns and Stormtroopers). I'll give this build a shot and see what she does. The plan is to find cover with the 4 troops, outflank with the elites, order with the HQ's, and pound the enemy with the LRBT's. Everyone in the army has a 4 BS except the Ogryns and the Tanks. Two of the troops will move up with the 2nd CCS for objective grabbing later in the game. Orgyns or stormies, or LRBTs will hopefully contest those in the opponents area.
That is all for now...I'll let yah know how it works out.