Well, we finally got to play the Lucky 13's event that I had been thinking about for so long.
We played 5500 per side.
Imperials were 3000 Guard (Rob), 2500 Marines(Fabby).
Chaos was 5500. (Chris and Jay).
Game ended in a draw with each side holding 2 objectives. Serious firepower and hand to hand happening all over the table.
I went with Obstacles and a Disruptor Beacon for the imperials. the Obstacles were used to set up a 2nd line of cover in the minefield (the boxes) and a row of razor wire to disuade any flank marches. The Disruptor beacon was to limit the popping up of demons / terminators next to the vital objective. Turns out my opponents didn't take any deepstrikers, so I didn't need that one at all. The one I did need would have been my 3rd choice, as his psychers bounced at least 5 units into the super deadly minefield.
Chaos didn't fare much better with the strategems, they took orbital bombardment and a vortex gernade. The Gernade did a number on a verteran guard unit, and they missed with all 4 rounds of the bombardment.
Imperial Performers of the game...
1) Land Raider Crusader: Drove up and unloaded it's payload of Assault Termies, then blew up. How does this make it a performer of the game? The wreckage blocked line of sight between the Chaos Shadowsword and Imperial Baneblade for 2 turns...Keeping the Baneblade alive long enough to do it's damage.
2) Commisar Yarrick: Didn't do a thing the whole game except sit in the the vital command HQ bunker until it blew up. But his adding Fearless to his unit kept them on the board the last turn, keeping the game a draw instead of a loss for the imperials.
3) The Baneblade: HOLY! The 10" pie plate is death. The Baneblade might have taken out double it's points, eating up a good portion of 4 units of Berserkers, 4 units of Plague marines, and a few stray Black legion marines. Might have been even better if I remembered that cover saves are calcualted from the center of the blast...so many of the coversaves the bad guys made would not have been available. No biggy though, the Baneblade eat up enough troops to keep ithem from being scoring units.
Honorable mention to the marine Devastor squad who keep the Shadowswords maine weapon from shooting 2 of the 4 turns we played.
Chaos performers of the game...
1) Chaos Sorcerer with the Lash. As I feared all game long he was moving imperial troops around into the minefield, which was setting off mines at about an 85% rate rather than 50% the dice should have rolled. I think the Imperails lost 300-400 points of stuff to their own minefield.
2) Chaos Conclave...I think this is what it was called. Like 5 major Chaos named characters and their units. This gave the them a disruptor beacon, which any reserves an deep stikers within 48" of any of these character on a 4+ they could chooose the spot they deployed. This worked for both units we placed within 48". The key one being the Stormtroppers, which rather than gunning a swath through the berserkers, landed in the minefield. Not even gonna mention the combat that took out the assault termies and Calagar with his Honor guard. Guess I just did...It was Abbandon with a squad of Assault termies. Chaos player playin Apoc should take the conclave every time.
3) Kharn...of the obsene amount of berserkers on the table I think there were only two left on the table and Kharn was one of them...standing on top of the burning hulk of the Baneblade that he took out all by himself.
Honorable mention to the Shadowsord that blew up the Imperial HQ on the last turn.

That's all for now...
Yeah, in a game where reserves and deep strikers are so important conclave is pretty much broken because you can disrupt the entire board rather than just a key area. 24" from the character would be more reasonable, IMHO.
ReplyDeleteSounds cool! Told ya the baneblade would rock.